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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Leah Gamache                                                        
December 19, 2012
Period 1

(My plans for the future of women)

The start of this decade was the point of a “new”


It was a new start yes,

 but did this equality phenomenon last longer than a couple

of years? The unfortunate

answer to this question, is no. We have abused our

privileges as learners, prosperous

thinkers, and as people ourselves. The topic of sexism has

come up many times throughout

history. Women are constantly trying to prove them selves

to their male counter partners.

Weather it be knowledge, capability, or the saddest of all

there sexuality. You might be

thinking that “this is the 21st century.” Women are business

people, mothers, heroes and

much more. But! We are also the basis to pop cultures

game of advantage. Teen

pregnancy shows, the illusion that a girl has to be skinny to

be desirable, and that young

women and girls are portrayed as having to be sexy and

flawless to “fit the mold.” On

and on the list goes. This absolutely testifies and shows that

sadly, women are still in a

similar predicament that they were in centuries before!!!!

Many popular pop, rap, and

hip-hop music are also incredibly sex oriented and create

offensive gestures against

women. I have a dream that one day women wont have to

withhold the image of

perfection. I have a dream that someday women can still be

beautiful without disrespect.

We need to come to a conclusion and adapt to today’s new

world!!!! Sexism is NOT an

option! Women WILL stand up and be heard above the cry

of abuse!!!!

Thank you.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I know this is different than my usual posts, but I wanted to say something about the shooting that happened last Friday. God bless the people that lost loved ones and to those that had their lives taken. This event should remind people that they should hold onto their loved ones and friend because you never know the last time you are going to see someone. Try to cherish each moment of everyday and live each day to the fullest capacity. To all the families that lost children, you are all in my thoughts. Merry Christmas.
                                                                                              ~Leah <3

Sunday, December 9, 2012

In a recent article from "Upfront" magazines, an employee of a town sheriff has recently been fired. He did not know for sure the cause of it, but he thought it might have had something to do with a Facebook post he recently "liked," for another man also running for the same position as the current sheriff. The man thought that his postings on Facebook should have nothing to do with the working part of his life. He took this case to court and they are still figuring the matter out. The article also discussed the problems of how children have been posting things against their teachers and are not getting in trouble because of free rite of speech. They want to know "is this an exception to the law or is it disobedience?"

                                                  MY OPINION ON THE MATTER

I think that what a person "likes" on their Facebook wall is their own business. In a way though, its not. Once a person posts something, its out there for everyone to read and see. The Internet is not something to take lightly. It is a spiral of connections and loop holes, so deep yet shallow enough that anyone could easily peer in and grab information. An employee should have respect and tolerance for its employer, as well as a student to its teacher. I'm not saying that people shouldn't speak their minds, my point is that you should think before you  hit "send."

Sunday, December 2, 2012

ELA prompt December 1st, 2012

What would happen if children ruled the world?

If children ruled the world, humanity would be a lot more fun. There would be desserts for breakfast and not a vegetable in sight! The adults would become the servants. Little boys and girls would demand orders at their parents, "mother! father!, go clean your room, then fetch me a root beer!!!!" Of course there would be no principals, because there would be no school for kids!!!! The adults would go to school though. Every adult would get up each day at 6 AM and go to school. They would be dismissed at 2 PM. While the adult were at school the children would do what children do best. They would play. Even though the children would refuse any consideration of going to school until they were adult,  they would actively use their minds for creativity. They would spend all day laughing and creating new games and exploring. Once the adults got back from school they would either go out to eat or call in a pizza. Their meal beverages would consist of either chocolate milk or apple juice. Taxes and incomes were not a problem to anyone because they used game money instead. No family went without! Even though someone might think that a world run by children would be a chaotic place, it would really just be a more creative world.
                                                                                                             ~Leah :)